Sermons Archive

The Absurdity of Unbelief

2017-02-26  Given the compelling evidence that God was pouring out His Spirit at Pentecost, it seems remarkable that some witnesses concluded that the disciples were drunk. This denial of the obvious speaks to the nature of the human heart, which Jeremiah described as “deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.”

Sermons Archive

The Strengthening Potential of Waiting

2017-02-19  This week we look into the time between the Christ’s Ascension and the Day of Pentecost when the disciples were told to wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit. Their approach to those ten days of waiting can be instructive for us as we, from time to time, are called by God to wait.  Website:

Sermons Archive

Curbed Enthusiasm: What is a Worship Service Supposed to be like?

2017-01-22  In Christ and through the infilling of each believer with the Holy Spirit, worship services changed from being led by an exclusive priestly class to being led by the Spirit- guided Body of Christ. Why does it seem we have returned to the former?    Website:

Sermons Archive

Spiritual Gifts- Blessings or a Curse

2017-01-29  Receiving a gift is usually seen as a thrill. Why do so many Christians leave their gifts wrapped and unopened? It’s probably because the gifts of the Holy Spirit are given to us, but they are not for us as much for the good of the church. But when they are accepted and put to use, the ultimate response is praise to God.    Website:

Sermons Archive

Baptism By Fire And Water

2017-02-05  As we begin our study of the book of Acts, we need to look at the concept of baptism and how the Holy Spirit is involved. Tim discusses water baptism, the baptism of the Holy Spirit and what it means to be filled with the Spirit.    Website:

Sermons Archive

Tim’s Journey To Freedom

2017-01-15  On this Family Sunday, “Body Speaks”, the monthly sharing of a personal testimony to God’s redemptive work”, featured our Pastor, Tim. He shared how God led him from a place of slavery to performance to the wonderful freedom of God’s grace.    Website:

Sermons Archive

Sherrilyn Harman Shares Her Journey To Freedom

2017-02-12  On this Family Sunday, “Body Speaks”, the monthly sharing of a personal testimony to God’s redemptive work, featured Sherrilyn Harman.  She shared how God brought her from anger, fear and depression to the wonderful freedom of God’s grace.  God is good!    Website:

New Glasgow Christian Church