Sermons Archive

Revival & The Principle of Cause and Effect

2017-03-26 Luke’s documentation of the experience of the first church in ACTS indicates that following Pentecost there was an incredible period of growth when “the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” Is there something the first church was doing that we aren’t?

Sermons Archive

The Resurrection “Clincher”

On the Day of Pentecost, while the disciples were being powerfully filled with the promised Holy Spirit, Peter preached a sermon to a large crowd of onlookers. The result was 3000 people being transformed from skeptics to believers. What was the clincher? The fact of the singularly unique, precedent setting resurrection of Jesus Christ was the fact that turned their lives upside down

Sermons Archive

A Call To Activism

2017-03-13 Peter’s explanation of the extraordinary experiences of Pentecost, found in Acts 2:14-21, centers on the ancient and somewhat puzzling prophecy of Joel. Part of God’s message through Joel is the foretelling of a coming “Day of the Lord”. Joel indicates that in preparation for this final reckoning, God will distribute His Holy Spirit indiscriminately on all believers for the purpose of spreading the gospel. This gifting of the Holy Spirit was a call to activism…a call to spread the good news. This remains the call for each possessor of the Holy Spirit

Sermons Archive

John Brewer Shares His Faith Journey

On this Family Sunday, “Body Speaks”, the monthly sharing of a personal testimony to God’s redemptive work, featured John Brewer.  He shared how God brought him along on his faith journey, guiding his path to becoming a part of the family at New Glasgow Christian Church

New Glasgow Christian Church