Sermons Archive

Deja Vu 2.0

In the 40 days that Jesus ministered in Palestine following His resurrection, He chose to give the disciples a deja vu experience that was “the same thing, only different”. I wonder why?

Sermons Archive

Why Do We Seek Life In Death?

The angels questioned the women who had come early to the tomb to anoint Jesus’ dead body, “Why do you look for the living among the dead?” Of course they weren’t expecting Christ to be alive. They went to the tomb to find the dead. There is a larger question that comes to mind, one that speaks to the human condition, “Why do we look for life in death.” It was that instinctive orientation that Christ came to reverse. Since the Fall humanity has tried to find life in that which leads to death. Easter has the power to change all of that!

Sermons Archive

The Road to Emmaus – The Road to Sight

16-April-2017  The two disheartened disciples who encountered the risen Lord on the first Easter were not able to recognize him. Why was that? It was only when Jesus broke bread with them that they had their eyes open. Fallen humanity suffers from spiritual myopia, the inability to see reality as God does. The Risen Christ has the power to open the eyes of our hearts so that we can see the things of God

New Glasgow Christian Church