Sermons Archive

Jesus Christ: Son of God

The writer of Hebrews begins his encouraging letter to “the remnant” by assuring them of the certainty of their investment in the gospel of Jesus Christ. He does this by reviewing the matchless credentials of the author and finisher of their faith, Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Sermons Archive

The Abrahamic Covenant

God’s covenant with Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3) continues to reveal His ultimate plan of redemption in Jesus Christ. A descendant of Abraham would bring blessing to the entire race.

Sermons Archive

The Noahic Covenant

As we continue to see God’s unfolding plan of redemption through His covenants, we are challenged to understand the justification for Noah’s salvation from the flood and introduced to the key concept in the gospel of Jesus Christ…righteousness by faith

Sermons Archive

John Brewer Shares His Faith Journey

On this Family Sunday, “Body Speaks”, the monthly sharing of a personal testimony to God’s redemptive work, featured John Brewer.  He shared how God brought him along on his faith journey, guiding his path to becoming a part of the family at New Glasgow Christian Church

New Glasgow Christian Church