In Galatians 3 Paul writes that the Law served as a “Guardian” until Christ came. The Law is the centerpiece of God’s covenant with Moses. It taught Israel and the world God’s expectations for righteousness. But clearly and intentionally it was impossible to fulfill all of its requirements. As such, it left the world looking for help beyond itself.
Tag: law
Paul’s guidance around the question of circumcision seems puzzling until we consider it in the light of the paradox of Christian freedom.
As we follow the narrative of Acts we are beginning to see the implications of Christ’s introduction of a New Covenant. Last week our focus was on how Christ’s work of atonement rendered the sacrificial system of the Law obsolete. This week, we see that the purification rites of the law became non-binding and ultimately symbolic when Christ performed the greatest purification rite of and for all time by washing us in his blood.