Sermons Archive

God’s Perfect Covenant

Our covenant, the New Covenant, is the final covenant that God will make with humanity before His triumphant return. It is perfect in its completeness and effectiveness because it was executed by a perfect mediator with a perfect sacrifice. What a perfect gift for Christmas!

Sermons Archive

God’s Covenants – Why They Matter

Having spent the summer considering the depths and heights of God’s great love for us, we will now consider God’s great plan of bringing to fruition His great plan of salvation through His covenants. 

Sermons Archive

Breaking Bread 2018-09-09

Breaking Bread is a touching weekly presentation by Tim Edwards in preparation for communion.  This week is about the old covenant of works and the new covenant of grace.

Sermons Archive

A Defining Moment For The Church

In Acts 15 we read of a conflict that would ultimately result in a clear defining of two distinct covenant communities, the old covenant community of the Jews and the new covenant community of Christians. The question that arose was whether or not Gentile believers needed to be circumcised and be part of the old covenant community. The decision that resulted from the Council of Jerusalem would be the defining moment of the church.

Sermons Archive

Two Weird Visions…and Unclean is Clean

As we follow the narrative of Acts we are beginning to see the implications of Christ’s introduction of a New Covenant. Last week our focus was on how Christ’s work of atonement rendered the sacrificial system of the Law obsolete. This week, we see that the purification rites of the law became non-binding and ultimately symbolic when Christ performed the greatest purification rite of and for all time by washing us in his blood. 

Sermons Archive

Jesus and the New Covenant


Every time we celebrate the Lord’s Supper we here Jesus’ words; this cup is a new covenant in my blood. We explore the meaning and significance of this familiar yet puzzling phrase

New Glasgow Christian Church